Monday, July 10, 2006


New Information Premiers in New I-Pac

An ebook wasn't enough. It was just not possible to cover all the bases. So, I tried to think of what to do to save even more marriages. Now, I think we have the best solution. We now offer the Save The Marriage I-Pac. My idea is that an I-Pac is an Informational Package. It is the complete solution!

First, we started with the ebook. After all, it has been effective for more than 41,000 couples. But we went several steps further. I added a special document, the Top 5 Mistakes. This document describes the 5 most common mistakes people make when a spouse wants out of a marriage.

Understand, these mistakes can make the difference between a marriage that can be salvaged, and one that is lost. Not huge mistakes, but a misstep at the wrong time, and you lose too much ground.

That still wasn't enough, so we added another important document: The Quick-Start Guide. This guide will quickly get people on the path to saving their marriage. It helps someone assess where the relationship is (there are 8 stages outlined), and what to do to turn each stage around. Each stage requires a different approach, and this document shows the path.

I'm very excited about this information! I've used it with some consultation clients, and have been blown away with the results! I think this provides a whole other layer of effectiveness.

Then, to tie it all together, I have decided that for the time being, each person who purchases the I-Pac will receive an email consultation with me. Ask a question, get a direct response. Until I am overwhelmed with the emails, I'll keep this up.

I think the email consultation has the capacity of tying it all together, since it allows each person to take the material and apply it to the particulars of his or her marriage. Information, carefully targeted, and we will save even more marriages!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.

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