Saturday, September 09, 2006


New Program For You; Take A Look

It has been a little time since I have posted. Lots has been going on. In fact, that is the reason for the delay!

I was on vacation at the end of July, first of August. And as usual, my mind was still whirling. I was thinking about the effects of the ebook and my Relationship Coaching. It occured to me that many people need more than an ebook could provide, but don't really want to start the coaching (and my hours are quite limited there). But I wanted to find some way of helping even more marriages. I was wracking my brain. . .

Then, rinsing off after a day at the beach, it hit me: why not do a "virtual" marriage seminar? I mean, the technology doesn't require that much, so people all over the world could be involved.

So, I came back to work (?? did I ever leave ??) and started making plans. You can find the beginnings of that at

Go take a look, and let me know what you think!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.

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